Thursday, November 10, 2011

Campout- November

Come prepared or you WILL be cold! Meet at 4PM and we should return by noon on Saturday.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Eagle Scout - Jonathan

Jonathan has completed all his scout requirements to earn the eagle rank. His eagle project included making activity bags and pillowcases for the American Fork Hospital pediatrics. Thursday he had the final eagle board of review with our district and they have recommended him to receive the Eagle Rank. Wait for upcoming news on the date of his court of honor. Congratulations.

Friday, October 14, 2011


At this point, it sounds like the boys will be in town on the 22nd (next Saturday during fall break); however, there are still a couple that I am waiting to hear back from.  Assuming everyone is available for a ride, we will need help from another adult as I will be out of town that weekend.  Are there any dads that would like to help us out with this ride?  You would need to ride your bike with the boys.  We would likely meet at 8:30AM and it would last for about 3 hours.
If we are unable to do this on the 22nd, the next possible date would be Nov 5th as the leaders are involved in an all-day training on Oct 29th and some of the boys will be involved in the BYU Pow Wow.

Computer Merit Badge

I am starting this blog for my computer merit badge to help share information and pictures for our scout troop.  Please post upcoming events, pictures from activities, or any other information we need.